The wisdom tips given here are based on natural treatments, used by the patients successfully, when other conventional treatments have failed.
- Stop immediately all milk products and milk.
- Take bio-chemic combination no 2 of tissue remedies, in addition to the regular allopathic medicine you are using. After some relief slowly withdraw the allopathic medicines and continue the above.
- Avoid groundnut oil in cooking. Don’t take any dry fruit at all.
- The powder of seeds of Fenugreek (Methi) taken two to three times a day helps control the sugar in blood and urine.
- The diabetes can also be controlled when you drink water kept overnight with leaves of Guava tree and Vinka Rosia (Sadabahar) kept overnight in it.
- Boil the 5 leaves each of Tulsi (Basil), Neem, Jamun, Bel, with 4 seeds of pepper in a glass of water and drink two times a day. (Persons with high blood pressure should avoid it)
- Morning and evening walk for at least 45 minutes is most essential to control this disease.
- Take Natrum Sulpuricum and Natrum Phosphoricum in 12X potencies of biochemic tissue remedies. They can cure this disease totally within 90 days.
Tele Counseling
- Take a spoonful of powder of Almonds, Misri (Sugar Crystals), White pepper, and Aneeseed along with Triphla powder daily. Ther are instances of reducing the number of their spectacle using this remedy. Note- during this treatment you have to totally avoid television and computers)
- Very effective eye drops – In rose-water (gulabjal) dissolve a very small piece of fitkari (alum) and a half clove of raw garlic. Use this as an eye drop and you will experience an improvement within few days.
Grey Hair
- Start taking Triphla Powder after soaking it overnight in water and drinking it after boiling it.
- Massage your hairs with coconut oil and Lemon everyday for at least 15 minutes. There are instances of people having black hairs even up to the age of 60-70 years by using this method.
High Blood Pressure & Heart
- Keeping fast for only first half of the day can improve the overall heart condition and blood pressure. Don’t take breakfast.
- To reduce your blood pressure, daily take a Soda (plain aerated water) two to three times a day.
- It is possible to even reverse the heart problems by not using oil or ghee at all, by taking only boiled vegetables, doing yogic exercises, and by living a tension free life.
- Daily intake of Aspirin, even one fourth of a tablet, with the advice of doctor avoids chances of heart attack.
- Daily intake of Lemon and Anwala, and Ghia soup (Bottle gourd) keeps the heart strong and and reduces your blood pressure.
- Remember all spices and dry fruits produce cardiovascular diseases.
- Daily intake of sprouted Grams and Moong makes the heart muscles strong.
- Pranayam, or deep breathing exercises three times a day, at least for 15 minutes each, immediately reduces your blood pressure.
- It is very essential to take a minimum of 8 hours sound sleep every day.
(Note – You can definitely improve your blood pressure and heart conditions within a week by very strictly following the above suggestions in your life,)
Loose Motion/ Dysentery
- Make a paste of dry pomegranate seeds (Anardana) and Raisin (Kishmis) with a little of salt in it , It is a most effective remedy tried successfully by many.
- In certain cases when nothing works, the most useful and effective remedy which has been tried by many is the eating of Bel fruit. It works wonders with such tye of problems.
Obesity (fatness)
- Acupressure points – 1) The middle of your upper lip, below the nose. 2) One inch below and one inch up the naval point on your stomach. Press these points 3 to 4 times a day for 5minutes each. It controls your hunger and helps in the overall control of obesity.
- For three months, eat your food by chewing a single morsel at least 50 times, so that it turns into almost a liquid before gulping it down. It has very effectively reduced the obesity of many people.
- Don’t take your meals when you are under tension.
- Don’t eat unless you are hungry, stop going by the age old practice of taking breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eat only when you are hungry.
- Stop taking chapati/ bread prepared with wheat only. Any preparation you take should be a mixture of whole grams flour and Soyabeans.
- Take half lemon in hot water daily empty stomach in the morning.
(Note- Many people have reduced successfully or controlled their obesity by adopting the above simple methods.)
Sexual strength
- Vegetables – Lotus stalk (Kamal Kakri), Bhindi
- Fruits – Banana, Guava (yellow ripe one only), Water melon (Kharbuja)
- Lentils (Dals) – Black Urad
- Miscellaneous – Lemon pickle, Anwala, preserved or in any form, Powder of Tamarind (Imli) seeds, Powder of dried keekar beans etc.
- Stop immediately the use of tooth paste. Brush your teeth with plain water, with one or two drops of Savlon or Dettol in it.
- The best powder for teeth is salt and turmeric mixed with a little of mustard oil. Apply on your gums and keep for at least 10 minutes.